He's developed a strong bond with Specialist Emmanuelle "Twitch" Pichon, due in part to Pichon's use of technology to lessen the risk on human lives.

It's clear the team trusts and respects him. Kateb's proclivity for conflict resolution is just one of a dozen skills that make him an asset to Rainbow. From this horrendous event he realized it was within his power to save lives with a scalpel or a bullet. All of the patients he had fought so hard to save were killed. During a frontline op in East Africa, the hospital where Kateb worked was stormed by local militia. It was some time before he was willing to share his story with me. įield reports reflect Kateb's selfless acts, yet he has explicitly chosen a combat role. What's interesting is that he described embarrassment as well for the life he still had. Encountering people with so little, it's understandable that Kateb said he felt shame. That was when he found his passion at last. He remembers how the look of worry on the mother's faces subsided as they gathered near the tents. The squalor, the chronic lack of supplies, the desperate need. In his second year, Kateb volunteered for MSF and that first mission still resonates with him. I gather his father thought the mention of "passion" was absurd. Kateb admitted that he almost quit at the end of his first year because he didn't feel any passion for his work. The impetus seems to stem from family tradition, though it's clear his grandfather's military service was a strong motivation. Surprisingly, he didn't have much interest in being a doctor. Specialist Gustave "Doc" Kateb's wealthy upbringing could easily have turned him into a narcissist, yet he's one of the most accessible and thoughtful people I've encountered. His proclivity for conflict resolution makes him a valuable asset. He considers the front line his natural habitat, as it provides him with the opportunity to have direct influence and impact of the welfare of the unit. He sees military service (especially the role of CTUs like the GIGN) as noble in their dedication to protecting civilians. Kateb demonstrates a high degree of empathy for human suffering he is a rare genuine altruist. He is a highly regarded medical officer for the French Army Special Forces Command. Recognizing the ongoing need for doctors, Kateb continues to volunteer with MSF. He has authored studies on biological agents and their effects on at-risk populations and damaged environments, and contributed reports to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Kateb's main discipline is toxicology and ecotoxicology. At age twenty, Kateb declined a prominent private medical practice in favor of a career with the French Defense Health Service. He has subsequently volunteered numerous times on emergency frontline aid missions around the world. In his second year of medical studies with the prestigious Paris Descartes University, Kateb answered the appeal for volunteers in Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). He comes from a well-respected lineage in both the military and medicine.

Of Algerian and French descent, Kateb grew up in an affluent family in Paris' 16 arrondissement. Gustave Kateb was born on September 16 in Paris, France.